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馬爺公司今年送客戶的新年禮盒,多點一盒給我們自己吃,來點中西合璧的新鮮感,肉乾、馬卡龍、鳳梨酥、巧克力酥、造型餅乾和蛋糕棒,也有燕窩組,馬大少爺一看就知道是 韓昕潔 (French Crullers)姨姨家的甜點,立刻吃掉一根蛋糕棒,!在晚餐之前!在晚餐之前!在晚餐之前! 重點:新年真的瘦不了了🤦‍♀️ Mr.M orders French Crullers PARIS CNY box of desserts to send to all his clients, and also one extra box for our own, with choices of bird nest or dry meat, come along with all desserts you see in the video and photos, so tasty! Matthew grabs the cake stick immediately and finishes it BEFORE DINNER, children! Alright, and I’m kinda giving up diet before CNY, how to stop myself from all these yummies?!🤦‍♀️ #byebyeshape 😂 French Crullers PARIS
